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“Vanda Scaravelli on Yoga”

DVD with Esther Myers
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Vanda doing backbend
How Vanda got started
At 85 years of age, Vanda shares her understanding of yoga, her remarkable ease in the most challenging postures, and her gifts as a teacher. Vanda Scaravelli and Esther Myers demonstrate the principles of Vanda’s unique approach to yoga poses, breathing techniques, and hands on assistance. Narrated and produced by Esther Myers, this video will inspire your practice and teaching.
“Gentle Yoga for Breast Cancer Survivors”

DVD by Esther Myers
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Backstretch a class with Esther Myers
A DVD that outlines a yoga practice aimed at helping women and men coping with breast cancer, based on a programme developed by Esther Myers and her personal experience.
“Guided Relaxation” CD by Esther Myers

Guided Relaxation that will assist you in feeling the soothing breath and the relaxing sensation of grounding the body deeply.
Order this Guided Relaxation CD by Esther Myers.

by Monica Voss and Tama Soble
This is a unique text with detailed information on hands-on assisting, pedagogy and philosophy, and the actual practice of the poses. For years we have taught workshops for teachers on the skills and concepts involved in incorporating hands-on assists into an intelligent teaching repertoire. “The Power of Touch” is the product of decades of research and in-studio experience. Black-and-white line drawings by Leah Gold have been included throughout.
We believe the manual will speak to and inform yoga teachers from any lineage.
Price: $24.00 CAN + taxes, shipping & handling
This is a unique text with detailed information on hands-on assisting, pedagogy and philosophy, and the actual practice of the poses. For years we have taught workshops for teachers on the skills and concepts involved in incorporating hands-on assists into an intelligent teaching repertoire. “The Power of Touch” is the product of decades of research and in-studio experience. Black-and-white line drawings by Leah Gold have been included throughout.
We believe the manual will speak to and inform yoga teachers from any lineage.
Please contact the Studio to order. Your complete mailing address is needed to calculate the postal cost.
“Monica and Tama are gifted and generous educators. They have a deep understanding and knowledge of yoga practice, human anatomy and hands-on learning. My yoga journey has been profoundly enriched through their thoughtful guidance.” Pam Bertrand

“Touch is sometimes more direct and effective than verbal instruction. It is used as a technique in meditation and in daily life for awakening attention and communicating directly to the body / mind. In a yoga class, touch can circumvent the intellect, allowing precise and detailed information to be understood, integrated and remembered.
Relaxation is the key — both the student’s and the teacher’s. When students release and truly feel a hands-on assist, they experience more grounding and are able to let go of deeply held patterns of tension.
The purpose of this book is to support yoga teachers of every lineage and background to use their hands to communicate objectively and with confidence. The help of an experienced yoga instructor with clear intent can be invaluable, heightening a practitioner’s awareness of being alive in the body, comfortable, empowered and creative.”

by Esther Myers and Lynn Wylie
A basic instructional practice book for beginner and intermediate students.
Price: $25.00 CAN + taxes, shipping & handling
Table of Contents
- Relaxation
- Warm up poses
- Standing poses
- Inverted poses
- Backbends
- Sitting poses
- Breathing
- Suggested practice routines
Sample Exercises: Warmup Poses

Little boat (Supta Vajrasana I)
Lie on your back; bend both knees to your chest. To support your legs wrap your arms around the knees. Your back may round slightly. The arms and shoulders are passive as you inhale. As you exhale, draw the knees closer to your chest, using the minimum effort needed. The back lengthens, the back thighs stretch and the groins relax. Keep the back of the neck long and the chin in slightly.

Little boat twist (Parsva Supta Vajrasana)
From Little Boat, hold your legs with your right arm and rest your left arm on the floor at shoulder level. Exhale and roll your knees as far to the right as you feel comfortable. Gently turn the head to the left. Relax your arms and shoulders. Stay in the pose, letting the left side of the body lengthen and release as you breathe. Repeat on the other side.
This pose benefits the lower back and sacro-iliac joint.
If your knees are uncomfortable or have been injured, wrap your arms around the back of the thighs so that there is no pressure directly on the knees.

Knee to chest (Supta Vajrasana II)
From Relaxation Position, bend the right knew to the chest. As your exhale, relax the left leg so that it drops and lengthens. As the groin of the bent leg relaxes draw the knee closer to the chest. Relax the feet. Breathe normally. Stay as long as you feel comfortable, keeping the shoulders relaxed and the back of the neck long. Repeat with the other leg.

Straight leg stretch (Supta Padangusthasana)
From the Knee of Chest position, exhale and straighten the right leg toward the ceiling. You can either hold the leg or use a belt. As you exhale relax the leg toward the ceiling. You can either hold the leg or use a belt. As you exhale relax the leg on the floor, so that it drops and lengthens. Exhaling, stretch the lifted leg by extending the heel away from you. As the muscles relax, you will be able to draw the leg towards you easily. Relax your arms and shoulders using only the minimum effort needed to support and move the leg. Keep the back of the neck long. Repeat with the other leg.
As you straighten the legs, the muscles along the back of the legs are stretched. This may cause some discomfort. When the muscles have reached their limit, wait and breathe to give them time to relax before stretching them further.
Sitting Poses

Sitting straight
As in the Sitting Poses, relax the muscles of the back so that the pelvis drops. Sit with your weight on the back thighs and your spine straight. Lengthen the lack of the neck by releasing the shoulders and dropping the chin slightly. Breathe normally.

Chair forward bend
Lean forward from a sitting position onto a table or counter. Rest your head on your arms. Exhaling, let the weight of the pelvis drop, so that the back lengthens. Relax your arms and shoulders. Feel the back muscles gradually ease as you stay in the pose.

For more stretch lean forward, letting your upper body rest on your thighs. Relax your neck, arms and shoulders.
For even more stretch, take the leg apart and let the upper body drop between the knees.

Chair twist
Sit with your back straight and your legs parallel. Place your right hand on the back of your chair, your left hand on your right knee or the right arm of the chair. Exhale, and slowly turn, keeping your spine long and straight, and equal weight on both buttock bones. Relax your arms and shoulders, using the minimum effort needed to turn. Repeat, turning to the other side.

by Peter Blackaby
An accessible, scientifically credible and beautifully illustrated account of the yoga practice that has established Peter Blackaby’s reputation internationally.
Sorry, this book is out of stock at the Studio. Please order directly from Peter Blackaby at https://www.intelligentyoga.co.uk.

by Blandine Calais-Germain
Anatomy of Movement presents a dynamic, integrated approach to the study of the physical structures of the musculoskeletal system and their functional relationship to the movements of the human body. In clear and concise text illustrated with more than a thousand graphic drawings, the author guides the reader on a lively tour of the muscles, bones, ligaments and joints of the arms, legs and trunk. In this newly-revised edition, a majority of the thousand-plus illustrations are new or have been modified and the text has also been updated.
Price: $42.23 CAN + taxes, shipping & handling
More books are available for purchase at the Studio.
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